Sunk Cost Fallacy — Don’t Fall Further!The sunk cost fallacy is a cognitive bias that affects decision-making. The term ‘sunk cost’ means that the ‘investment’, whether in the…Mar 29, 2024Mar 29, 2024
Machine Learning LifecycleAny product has its own lifecycle. Same goes to a machine learning system. It does not just work all the way until the end of the world…Mar 27, 2024Mar 27, 2024
Why EfficientNet is Efficient?EfficientNet was proposed in 2019 and since then, it gains popularity due to its training and inference speed, as well as model accuracy…Apr 21, 2023Apr 21, 2023
Speed up SkLearn Model Training by 10 or 100X… by just adding 2 lines of CodeScikit-learn is a widely used machine learning library. It contains a number of algorithms that we can use for classification, regression…Apr 13, 20231Apr 13, 20231
Model Drift— Data Monitoring with EvidentlyIt’s cool (maybe) to train a machine learning model on a dataset with some loops and make it perform well. You put the model into…Jan 11, 2023Jan 11, 2023
Choice Architecture: How to make people choose what you want them to chooseWhy you always end up buying more items than you planned when you go for shopping? Why you choose a particular brand/shop when you shop…Jul 10, 2022Jul 10, 2022
UMAP for Dimensionality Reduction: Visualization of Features to Understand Your Data BetterUMAP, the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection, is a method for dimension reduction. The purpose of this post is to show how to…Jul 8, 2022Jul 8, 2022
Intuition of Dice Coefficient: Why it can deal with imbalanced datasetFor image segmentation task in computer vision, it is quite common to use dice loss as the loss function to deal with the imbalanced…Jul 4, 2022Jul 4, 2022
Save your Pandas DataFrame ~50x Faster with ParquetPandas is good for dealing with tabular data, and the most common file type is a csv file. However, when the data size goes up, dealing…Jul 3, 2022Jul 3, 2022